Lessons learned from 9 years as a business owner.
The LinkedIn reminder flashed up today - 9 years in business! So while random folks congratulated me on the platform (I don’t regularly post on LinkedIn) it got me thinking. What have I actually learn in 9 years as a business owner?
See if there is any you agree with!
Some days your’e working flat out some days your’e not, both are good and how it should be.
Your clients stresses and problems are NOT your problems. Don’t take this on.
You only have your skill sets - delegate the ones you hate/are not your thing.
You will cherry pick your favourite tasks always. Just get the other things out the way first, you’ll feel so much better.
Imposter syndrome is an a’hole and can pop up big time in your content.
Typos are always invisible until someone points them out. I’m forever grateful for a kind DM on my Instagram (not on the post please! Cringe)
No one cares about your thing as much as you do -unless theres something in it for them. (harsh, but true)
Sometimes it feels like you are talking to no-one - keep going! You’ll be amazed with how many people lurk around your content waiting for the right moment.
Being a business owner is a steep learning curve for sure, but would I go back to the 9-5? Never.
Read more about my business journey in Subkit