Nancy Florence: Create clients by serving instead of selling.

Nancy Florence is a Business Coach, Psychotherapist, Author and Mother.

Born and bred in Paris, Nancy started her entrepreneurial journey in London with nothing more than her passion for human psychology and the fire in her belly. After building a successful psychotherapy practice and a not-so-successful property business,  she decided to build a coaching company from the ground up. Through much trial and error, and a fearless approach to Service, Nancy curated a simple yet powerful methodology for women founders to create all the clients and money they need to grow their business. Now her business is multi 6 figures with clients from all over the globe. 

Nancy's One Thing is a true rags to riches story, and her coaching method a breath of fresh air, I really hope you enjoy our conversation!  Nancy says: "Every time a woman says yes to her desires, the world becomes a better place." 

Receive free training on the service before selling method here:  
(where you can also sign up for the Fully Booked programme.)

Find out more from Nancy here: 

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My One Thing book recommendations! 

Hype Yourself by Lucy Wern:

The Money is Coming by Sarah Akwiscombe:

The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte:


Monique Allen: On Life-Scaping your Business and hiring gently


Dr Naieema Jackson: My 5 Strategies to overcome Money Mindset block