That One Thing End of the Year Show!

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That's it! It's the end of 2020 and what better way to wrap up the year that changed everything with a compilation of some of my favourite guests.

You can catch the full episodes from all these fabulous females in previous episodes, apart from my daughter Ava, who makes a guest appearance at the end with her own take of That One Thing! If you get to the end of this mammoth episode to witness this it's worth hanging on for!

Thank you so much to everyone who guested, sent messages to my Instagram, rated, reviewed and subscribed to the podcast this year, I'll be back in 2021 with some more wonderful stories of lives changed for the better.

I'm looking for guests for season 3! If you have a story of comfort zones, life or business changed for the better, please get in touch:


Ismene Cole: Trusting in yourself is the key to entrepreneurship


Megan O' Russell: Becoming my own publisher and pivoting during the pandemic.