2 things to do if your ads have a low click through rate
When running ads for a campaign one of the metrics you’ll need to watch like a hawk it’s your click- through-rate or CTR. This will tell you the percentage of people click through to your website or sales page.
The higher the percentage the more people are clicking. When should you worry? When your CTR is less than 1% from your cold audience and 3% from your warm. If these two tactics don’t work it could be your creative, your copy or your cold audience might not be quite right. Remember, test one thing at a time and don’t panic.
Now lets look at this is closer detail:
Test a carousel
For a serviced based business that might be a series of your best client testimonials or the different ways they can work with you.
Try a thumbnail for your video
That to the camera video not performing as well as you'd like? Try a thumbnail i in your business branding . This works great for cold audiences who are yet to know your brand.