Managing Facebook ads with a small budget
Small business owners have often been burned by Facebook™️ ads, spending money on campaigns that never stood a chance of success, so it's understandable that they might not want to invest a lot of money again without proven results.
Many of my clients like to start small, which is understandable as many have been burned in the past, either through trial and error themselves, or have been burned by an agency with grand ideas!
I’ve been able to get some great results with small budgets, and in this article, I’ll give you the lowdown on how it’s done. It does however come with a small caveat: getting results with a small ads budget is difficult and is not always sustainable. So it’s good to have an open mind going forward and be flexible enough to increase your budget when you can see the results.
My 6 Top Tips for small budgets
I always recommend an initial jumping-off point for any campaign to be £10 a day, but ideally, we need more than that! So say, for instance, you don’t want to go over £300 in total. Keep the campaign short, that way you can have a decent daily budget to see the results you want.
If your budget doesn't allow for real testing (which is key to a successful ad campaign) you could consider using your organic posts to do your testing – although I’d have to say this isn’t a bulletproof method. Figure out which copy and creative works best for your organic audience and you’ll be one step ahead even when you don’t have a testing budget. Did you know that Facebook has rolled out organic testing? It could be worth using that to get some learning for your campaign content.
Getting creative with your small budget Ads means choosing the right objective. Most of my clients would say conversions every time and I get that, you want a good return on your investment. But with a small budget, sometimes using a traffic or engagement objective (which is a far cheaper option) can reap great rewards. Lead Generation is brilliant for getting new email sign-ups if you plan on nurturing your list with regular emails.
So you want to keep that budget nice and low? Then signal to Facebook that your content is super interesting to the audience on the platform. Use the post that has already got lots of engagement organically, think of that post that really got people talking and could work for achieving those goals. With all that social proof, you can keep those costs down.
Not all audiences are equal! Some audiences in your bundle will cost you more than others as you will be competing for space in the newsfeed. So keeping those audiences warm will increase the chance of getting the results you want. Stick to those low hanging fruit!
Rember I am here to help! If you need a one to one with me to discuss your objectives and goals and get you started on the right campaign I offer Ads Power Hours at £120. You can book in with me here: