How your Facebook ad funnel is a bit like a date.
The difference between a good ad and great one are those that understand when to go in for the ‘ask’. It’s about knowing how to attract, retain and convert your audience and then being able to do that on rinse and repeat.
When I’m talking about funnels to my clients, I’ll often talk about playing the long game as this is where the most gains can be made and your hit rate can go through the roof. It’s a bit like going on a date! Those that end up with a higher conversion are more likely to engage with the person, learn more about them, and come with a gift versus walking up to a complete stranger and asking them to go to bed! I’m sure there’s the odd exception but I hope you know where I’m going with this!
Now, depending on the ultimate goal, you may need to go on several dates before you go for the ‘ask’ - this is about knowing when you need a long funnel over a shorter one. In marketing terms this is called ‘warming up your audience’ and there are multiple ways that you can do this. There will be a lot of testing on the way to get it down to a fine art and come up with something crowd pleasing. This is your opportunity to build up your credibility, earn their trust and nurture a relationship with your person, so that when you do ask for more commitment you’ve put in enough groundwork for them to be ready and willing to act on what’s on offer.
Steaming in guns blazing with an ad campaign for an ‘ask’ to someone who knows nothing about you is unlikely to be well received, leading to a virtual slap in the face and money down the drain. Take it from someone who, back at the beginning of my freelance career, tried doing this and failed miserably several times over!
Knowing how to play the long game can be truly transformative for your business, and if this is something you would like to know more about, you can set a up a discovery call with me here.